Please help raise your voice for the Missing
by making a tax deductible donation today
Together we can make a difference!
As a nonprofit organization we rely on the generosity of the public to support us so that we may provide these services to the families for free. All donations are tax deductible. Please help raise your voice for the missing.
Wisconsin Missing Persons Advocacy, Inc
is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization,
made up of volunteers that donate their time.

Mail donations to:
Wisconsin Missing Persons Advocacy, Inc
1794 East Allouez Ave #194
Green Bay, WI 54311
Your generous support will help fund projects like
Missing Persons
Awareness Events
Missing Persons
Billboard Campaign
Retreats for Families
with Missing Persons
Amanda P.
"They worked FAST to help me find my uncle and they were the only ones who brought me any sense of comfort that someone was helping me look that day..."
Connie L.
"Immediate action taken by this organization when you are searching for help from any and all directions. Thank you our family member was found safe."
Katie B.
"Thank you for all you do!!! such an amazing group of ladies!!"