Carrie lived on the 7200 block of North Shady Lane in Porterfield, Wisconsin. October 4, 2003, she was last seen by her husband at 12:30pm in their home.
Carrie was working as a waitress at the Northwoods Evergreen Ballroom and was reported missing by her employer on October 21st, 2003.
Carrie's husband filed for a divorce about a month after her disappearance. Police suspect foul play in her disappearance and her husband is considered a possible suspect.
Carrie is caucasian with sandy blonde hair, green eyes and a dark birthmark above her buttocks. She is 5'5", 130-150lbs. She has a tattoo on her left ankle of a red rose with leaves. Ears are pierced.
She was last seen wearing blue jeans, white t-shirt, a light green crocheted sweater - floral pattern on back with black boots. She has a gold wedding band on her left hand and a gold ruby ring on her right hand.
Any Information or Leads, please contact:
Marinette County Sheriffs Department
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