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Georgia Jean Weckler

Writer's picture: WMPAWMPA

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Georgia Jean Weckler

Georgia Jean Weckler, was 8 years old at the time of her disappearance. She was last seen on May, 1st 1947 when Mrs. Carl Floerke, a neighbor and mother of a fellow student at Oakland Center school, dropped Georgia Jean off at the end of her 1/2 mile long driveway which lead to the family farm.

The neighbor saw Georgia collect the mail and walk down the lane leading to her family's farm. Georgia had mentioned that she had plans to pick flowers for a May basket in the nearby woods.

Georgia’s mother, Eleanor, initially thought that Georgia was with her father and wasn't concerned when she didn't show up after school. When George Weckler arrived home at 6:00pm they quickly realized that Georgia was actually missing, and it was at that time that they began searching and then contacted the Jefferson County Sheriff’s office.

Word spread quickly about the missing child and that first night over 200 volunteers searched the nearby 20 acre wooded area for 5 hours but sadly, nothing was found.

As the investigation unfolded over the next few days, It was reported by witnesses that a dark-colored, four-door 1936 Ford sedan driven by a 20-25 year old blonde male was spotted in the vicinity around the time of Georgia's disappearance. Deep tire tracks were found. It was reported that witnesses saw a young girl resembling Georgia, struggling with a man inside a very similar vehicle in Fort Atkinson shortly after Georgia vanished. The man has never been identified, and is considered to be a prime suspect in this case. Many individuals have been questioned over the years.

Numerous leads have been followed up on during the past seventy years, but sadly, no suspect has ever formally been arrested and no remains ever have been found.

Georgia's case received attention ten years after she vanished, in 1957, when authorities in Plainfield, Wisconsin arrested Edward Theodore Gein for murdering a local female tavern keeper.

Gein is considered a possible suspect in Georgia's disappearance and also in the disappearance of Evelyn Hartley, who was abducted from La Crosse, Wisconsin in 1953. Neither of them have ever been found.

Georgia's disappearance remains unsolved.

Any leads or information can be directed to:

Jefferson County Sheriff's Dept.

(920) 674-7365

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