James Scott Rawlings was last seen leaving Kenosha, Wisconsin on March 8th, 1986. It is believed that he was heading to Alaska at that time.
His car was found by the Iron County Sheriff's Department abandoned in a snow bank on the side of the road in Mercer, Wisconsin. The keys were not in the vehicle.
No one has seen or heard from James since.
James is a white male, 5’10”, and 150 pounds. He has blue eyes, sandy hair, and requires glasses to see.
He has a scar/small birth mark on his forehead. He may have a wolf head tattoo on his chest. James is left handed and has dimples in his cheeks when he sm
James was 23 years old when we went missing. He would be 59 years old today.
Any leads or information should be directed to:
Kenosha Police Department
(262) 605-5203
Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Missing & Exploited Children & Adults
1-800-THE-HOPE (1-800-843-4673)
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