On Thursday, April 9th 1992, Leo Trabert’s wife returned from visiting friends to find a note which read, “I think the best birthday present I can give you is to disappear.”
A bus driver recalled picking up a man fitting Leo Trabert’s description, who was 77 years old and walked with a cane, but could not recall where he had gotten off. Trabert wore a back brace over his clothes because he had leg and back problems which made it uncomfortable to sit for extended periods of time. For this reason, Leo's family doesn't think he would have ridden the bus very long.
Leo did not have his new eye glasses, and couldn't see very well without them because he was missing his right eye. He also left his medications behind.
Trabert is a World War II veteran who injured his back while serving in the Army. He was declared legally dead in 1999, and his wife passed away about a year later, never knowing what happened to her husband. His case remains unsolved.
Any leads or information can be directed to:
Wauwatosa Police Department (414) 471-8430
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