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Theodore J. Jost and Marie Jost


Updated: Jan 9, 2022

Theodore Jost is a U.S. Army Veteran who was last known to be alive in approximately 1980 in Amherst Junction, WI.

The Portage County Sheriff's Department was asked on Aug 30th, 2012 to do a welfare check on Theodores mother, Marie Jost. The Social Security Administration had been unable to contact Marie Jost, even though her Social Security checks were still being cashed. Theodore qualified for Social Security benefits but never applied for them.

Upon arriving the police made contact with Marie’s son, Charles T. “Butch” Jost but he claimed his mother was traveling with Theodore. He was unable to provide a description of a vehicle and refused to allow the police to look around the property. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, neither Charles nor Theodore own any vehicles and neither have a valid driver's license.

Two neighbors, who had lived in the area for years, were interviewed and both claimed to have never seen an elderly woman at Charles’ residence.

Investigators questioned Marie Jost’s daughter Delores M. Disher and her husband Ronald Disher, who lived in Almond, Wisconsin. They both gave inconsistent statements.

Delores Disher claimed at first to have seen her mother less than a year before then her story changed to say she had not seen her mother since her sisters funeral in 1980. The Dishers had also told police that Theodore and Marie had been traveling in a motor home for the last 30 years. They went on to claim that Charles is the only one who has contact with Marie.

During Ronalds interview he became agitated and pulled out a metal file and threatened officers at the scene. He was taken into custody. While in custody, he reportedly told other inmates he and Delores had killed Marie. The inmates who reported this knew more about Marie's disappearance than had been released to the public at the time, and police believe their statements.

Marie Household, another of Marie's daughters, said she had not seen her mother since 1980. Household claimed to have sent her mother a packet of cards and photos for her 100th birthday in 2011 and received a Thank You letter in response.

Prosecutors believe Charles Jost and the two other family members pocketed $175,000.00 of Jost's Social Security benefits. Authorities said they discovered $9,000.00 in the home plus $8,000.00 at the Disher's home.

Charles Jost, Delores Disher and Ronald Disher were charged with theft, mail fraud, forgery, and unauthorized use of an individual's personal document. Charles Jost was found not guilty by reason of mental defect. Charges against Delores were dismissed due to her medical problems. In 2014, the jury deliberated for more nearly 10 hours, but could not agree on whether Ronald Disher played a role in a fraud scheme that involved cashing his mother-in-law's Social Security checks.

Investigators believe Marie's children either murdered her or simply concealed her death in order to keep her benefit checks, but little is known about her disappearance and the circumstances of Theodore's disappearance are even more uncertain. Their cases remain unsolved.

Any leads or information should be directed to:

Portage County Sheriff's Department



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