Thomas Seibold was last seen at a fish camp cabin thirty miles north of the Ambler, Alaska area on September 29th, 2012.
Thomas is a white male, 6’0”, and 165 pounds. He has long red/auburn hair, green eyes, and a beard and a mustache. It is not known what he was last wearing.

He was scheduled to reach Fairbanks, Alaska in November and had booked a flight home to Wisconsin around November 11th or 15th, reports vary, but he did not make his flight. He has never been heard from again.
It is possible that Thomas may have left the cabin to travel further north to the 8.5 million acre Gates of the Arctic National Park and Reserve. The reserve is only accessible by air and water and has no roads or trails.
Thomas is a survivalist who trained for six years at the Talking Drum Outdoor School, where he was also an instructor. He was on a five-month trip through the wilderness when he went missing. He has prior experience camping in the extreme north, including in Norway.
Thomas was trained by the Talking Drum Outdoor School’s founder, Tamarack Song. To make his planned trek, Tamarack said that Thomas took a six-month leave from teaching at the school. During Thomas’ travels 30 miles north up the Ambler River, he reached a cabin of a woman that Tamarack had put him in contact with.
Thomas stayed with the woman and her son at their cabin until September 27th when he left with the intention of hiking to Gates of the Artic National Park and Preserve. Tamarack said that Thomas left behind an unfinished letter at the cabin that indicated that he only intended to be gone “for several days.”
In 2012, Tamarack had believed that, because of Thomas’ experience, “if he’s not injured or delirious, he will stay alive.”
An extensive 13-day aerial and ground search turned up no indication of Thomas’ whereabouts and he was declared legally deceased in 2013.
Thomas was 32 years old when he went missing. He would be 41 years old today.
Any leads or information should be directed to:
Alaska State Troopers
Missing Persons Clearinghouse Manager Malia Miller
(907) 269-5511
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