This is an alphabetical list of the names of Missing Persons that are listed in a public
Missing Persons Database with a link to the blog post which tells more about their story
and the circumstances surrounding their disappearance.
Please take the time to read and share these stories.
A simple "share" might help this information reach the right person to bring answers in a case.
Together we CAN and DO make a difference!!
Missing Persons on this list are listed in one of these public Missing Persons Databases:
You can find out more by clicking on the links below:
**** Every Missing Person is someone's Loved One and deserves to be found,
no matter the circumstances. If you know anything in any of these cases,
please contact the Law Enforcement Agency listed in the blog post.
You can remain anonymous by contacting Crime Stoppers. ***
*** If there is no link attached to the Missing Person's name,
the blog post hasn't been added yet.
If a name is no longer listed, it means that they have been found. ***
Marc Duane Arthun
Kandyss Avery
Jason M. Bell
Eric Boll
Capone Dancer
Theresa Davis
Paul H. Ferrall
Anthony Forlano
Manford Bernard Fry
Quintiana Gillespie
Freyddy Guiterrez Rodriguez
Leona Hicks
Natalie Rebecca Hicks
Shanell Jahnke
Carvell Jennings
Wallace Lembke
Nathan Shannon Mandeville
Wayne Siems
Zeleny Coy Vondrashek
*** If you know of a missing person that is listed in a public database
and is not listed here, or that needs to be listed in a public database,
please contact us using the button below,
or email us at